Hiroki Murata, Naoto Imura, Katsuhiro Nishinari, “Evaluation of the Planet constellation's daily coverage for estimating the number of vessels at Daikoku Pier automobile terminals, Port of Yokohama, Japan”, Frontiers in Remote Sensing. 5:1474468, 2024.

T. Ezaki, N. Imura, K. Nishinari, "Synergistic integration of fragmented transportation networks: When do networks (not) synergize?", PLOS Complex Syst. 1(3): e0000017 (2024)

原仁,査澳龍,井村直人,”実出荷量を用いた鉄道へのモーダルシフトによる最適な輸送コストとCO2排 出量のシミュレーション”, “Optimization of Transport Costs and CO2 Emissions through Modal Shift to Railways using actual shipment amount”, 日本物流学会誌,No.32,pp55-62,2024 6月.

 T. Ezaki, K. Fujitsuka, N. Imura,  K. Nishinari, "Drone-based vertical delivery system for high-rise buildings: Multiple drones vs. a single elevator", Commun. Transp. Res. 4:10130 (2024).

Yasuda Kodai, Ryuichi Shibasaki, Riku Yasuda, and Hiroki Murata, “Terminal Congestion Analysis of Container Ports Using Satellite Images and AIS”, Remote Sensing 16, no. 6: 1082, 2024.

Yuki Oyama, Daisuke Fukuda, Naoto Imura, Katsuhiro Nishinari,"Do people really want fast and precisely scheduled delivery? E-commerce customers' valuations of home delivery timing", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 78, May 2024


H. Murata, R. Shibasaki, N. Imura, K. Nishinari, “Identifying the operational status of container terminals from high-resolution nighttime-light satellite image for global supply chain network optimization”, Frontiers in Remote Sensing. 4: 1229745, 2023.

原仁,査澳龍,井村直人,”モンテカルロシミュレーションによる納品期限及び賞味期限の延長が食品ロス発生量に及ぼす影響の解析”, “Assessment of the effects of extending delivery deadline and shelf-life of processed food products on the amount of food loss by a Monte Carlo simulation”, 日本物流学会誌,31,pp121-128,2023.

T. Ezaki, N. Imura, K. Nishinari, "Reinforcing critical links for robust network logistics: A centrality measure for substitutability", J. Phys. Commun. 7:025001 (2023). 

H. Murata, T. Fujii, C. Yonezawa, “Evaluating the effect of the incidence angle of ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 on detecting aquaculture facilities for sustainable use of coastal space and resources”, PeerJ 11: e14649, 2023.

原仁,井村直人; “インスタントコーヒーの配送データを活用した自然災害発生が受注と配送に与える影響の解析と提言” “Analysis and recommendation of the impact of natural disasters on orders and deliveries using instant coffee logistics data” 日本物流学会誌, vol.30, p59-66, 2022.

T. Ezaki, N. Imura, K. Nishinari, “Towards understanding network topology and robustness of logistics systems”, Commun. Transp. Res. 2:10064 (2022).

T. Ezaki, N. Imura, K. Nishinari, “Model retraining and information sharing in a supply chain with long-term fluctuating demands”, Sci. Rep. 11:20277 (2021).

原仁,井村直人; “加工食品物流における納品リードタイム変更が納品数量とサプライチェーンに及ぼす影響”,日本物流学会誌,29,pp109-116,2021.